Introduction: The Louisiana Court Improvement Program, Pelican Center for Children and Families and Crossroads are excited to offer an in-person TBRIÒ Courts Training for Morehouse & Ouachita Parish Juvenile Court stakeholders in the 4th Judicial District on Wednesday, August 23rd.
Description: Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRIÒ) is an attachment-based, trauma-informed, whole-child approach to meeting the needs of children and youth who have experienced early adversity, toxic stress, and/or relational trauma. The TBRI model was developed at Texas Christian University by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross to address the effects of early adversity and relational trauma using three sets of principles: Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting.
The TBRI Courts training will equip all courtroom participants with an overview of TBRI principles and provide specific examples of application in the legal setting. Our goal with the training is to help professionals in the judicial system understand the impact of trauma and how they can use TBRI to help disarm fear and meet the needs of families and children who appear in court.
Target Audience: All Juvenile Court stakeholders in Morehouse & Ouachita Parishes are invited to attend the training, including: city and district judges, attorneys, Department of Children and Family Services staff, court staff, CASA, FINS staff, court security, truancy, DARE and SRO Officers.
Learning Objectives:
· Understand what stressful experiences constitute trauma
· Understand trauma’s impact on the brain, body, biology, belief system, and behavior
· Identify ways to use the TBRI Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting Principles within the courtroom setting
- Lucinda Miles, TBRI Trainer, Volunteers for Youth Justice
- Dr. Emily Jones, Clinical Director, The Center for Children & Families
8:30am-9:00am Sign-In
9:00am-10:15am Welcome & Trauma and TBRI Overview (1.25)
10:15am-10:30am Break
10:30am-11:45am Connecting in the Courtroom (1.25)
11:45am-12:15pm Lunch
12:15pm-1:30pm Empowering in the Courtroom (1.25)
1:30pm-1:45pm Break
1:45pm-3:00pm TBRI Correcting in the Courtroom (1.25)
3:00pm-3:15pm Q&A (.25)
Total time requested for CLE approval: 5.25 hours
This training has been approved for 5 social work CEUs by Team Dynamics, LLC as authorized by the LABSWE.
Training Flyer for Sharing
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