Join us for a virtual introduction to nonprofit grantwriting. This is ideal for someone who has never written a grant. You might have just received this as a new task for work or you might be a new board member for an organization and want to help with fundraising.
Participants will receive handouts to go with the training and they can be used afterwards to help plan your grant applications.
Participants will:
- Know the key grant writing/funding terminology
- Know what is meant by “grant readiness” for an organization
- Be aware of key places to research grant opportunities
- Be familiar with the traditional segments to grant applications
- Know the next steps if a grant is funded or declined
2018 is the most recent year available for statistics and I'll show you where that data is found and more!
Writing a grant is not difficult if you know the language and process!
A link will be sent to you for your session participation. It will be sent within 48 hours of the training along with your materials. Please have the most recent version of Zoom installed on your viewing device.
This workshop is 2 hours in length and certificate of completion will be emailed afterward.
Fee: $50 There are no refunds, but you can swap attendees. We reserve the right to reschedule this event if there are less than 10 participants.
Speaker: Susan Delle Shaffette, CGMP
Susan began writing grants in the early 90s. She took many grantwriting courses, wrote and reviewed many successful grants and then moved to the funder side of the grant process while serving as a program officer for a foundation for many years. She has served as a grant reviewer for a number of organizations in their review process. Susan served as the tech column author for the national Grant Professionals Association for several years, researching new products and software programs for grantwriters and funders. She has taught grantwriting workshops for many organizations over the years.
Team Dynamics LLC is a specialized firm focusing on virtual and in-person meetings, training events, conferences and communications. We have a great team of people and enjoy working together. Susan Delle Shaffette, CGMP is the CEO of Team Dynamics LLC. She has an Associate Degree in Accounting, a Certification in Nonprofit Management, is a Certified Government Meeting Professional and is a Certified Virtual Event and Meeting Manager. Team Dynamics LLC is a Women-Owned Small Business. She has led this organization as an LLC since 2009 and previously operated the company as a sole proprietorship. She is married to James, has three grown children and loves being a grandma for two great boys.